You go, girl
Seeing the world is great fun, but how do you look after yourself on the road, especially if you’re a female travelling alone?
Women have a different set of concerns when they’re out and about. Unless you’re built like Grace Jones, the average female is physically weaker than the average male. And being a diminutive -very well then, short- Asian woman who cannot run to save her life, I always spend the last few weeks leading up to a solo trip worrying about my safety and security.
Women have to be extra careful and more aware of their surroundings compared to men- is anyone following you, or has someone walking in front of you slowed down for no reason? Unwanted male attention is also likely, particularly if you stand out or look different from the women in the countries you’ll be visiting.
The Internet is full of websites which cater to women’s travel, but I’m only going to recommend two which I read and follow quite religiously –Journeywoman and WanderlustandLipstick. Both websites are great resources not only for women who choose to travel alone, but also for those who want a better idea of women-related issues on the countries they’re going to.
What one will realise after several solo trips is that it has nothing to do with having enough ‘courage’, but in actual fact, it is simply about having enough confidence. It’s not so much about being brave, but it’s about being well-informed about local safety-related issues: what time the last train or bus is, what time the sun sets so that you won’t get caught out after dark and what areas to avoid in the city you’re going to. If you know things like this before you leave home, you’ll be confident enough to go and fingers crossed, you’ll be fine.
Safety and security risks should never deter a woman from travelling alone but instead, should make her want to go even more.
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