This week’s photo- Muir Woods, CA
Let’s just say that I’m not very tall, so I’m used to looking up! These are giant redwood trees in Muir Woods, taken from below. Named after Scottish-born American environmentalist John Muir, this was one...
Exploring the world one step at a time
Let’s just say that I’m not very tall, so I’m used to looking up! These are giant redwood trees in Muir Woods, taken from below. Named after Scottish-born American environmentalist John Muir, this was one...
It was a chilly day in October in Baikonur, Kazakhstan when I took this photo. This is the Syr Darya, known as the Jaxartes in ancient times. It’s also the sister river of the...
I love night markets! Night markets are perfect for getting souvenirs and stuff for the folks back home, it’s...
I remember the first time I travelled alone- I was scared, excited, nervous, convinced that I would be getting into trouble but absolutely sure that it was something I had to do, no matter...
I’m a great fan of solo travel but I also enjoy travelling with friends. Looking for travel mates for short, one-week breaks shouldn’t be too difficult but if you’re talking about road trips or...
I had a 10-hour layover in Frankfurt a few years back so I decided to leave the airport and take a walk (and a bus) into town for the heck of it. Not quite...
Whenever I tell my friends and family that I’m planning another solo trip, they always react as though it’s the most impulsive thing to do. I imagine that this is the scenario in their...
Taken on a hike in Rose Valley, Cappadocia. A hot air balloon ride would’ve been great, but there were strong winds that day, so all flights had to be cancelled. The hike was still...
Yes, there really is a way for you to learn chat-up lines and other “raunchy phrases” in more than 15 languages: This is a really funny book which I bought for a good laugh. The book...
If you’re a male artist wanting to make it big in Bali, there’s one art gallery that will never accept your work no matter how talented you are. Not now, not ever. You’re just...