Five Foot Traveller Blog

A day on the Cape Peninsula

  In front of me was a long sliver of land, a crooked finger that pointed to the South Pole. It was a clear day and I could see a footpath leading right to...

The case for disconnecting

  It was the sound of flapping that woke me up that night. Wings, somewhere in the dark. It wasn’t anything large, for that would have been terrifying. It was a small insect, but...

The view from Dune 45 soon after sunrise

Sand and dust

I’ll be honest. It would be easier for me to write my stories on Africa with a list of things to do in each country I went to, in the order that I visited...

Number Five

  Two weeks from now, I’m going to be reaching a milestone- my fifth continent. I’ve been thinking about Africa for a long, long time. It’s not a cheap destination, whichever country you choose...

Beijing, late afternoon

  I arrived in China by train from Mongolia at the end of September last year. I found the weather a bit strange then; it was surprisingly warm for autumn and on a day...

Fireflies in Cherating

  It’s pitch black. The only sound we can hear is the buzz of the motorboat, which seems a little too loud for what we are about to do. The trees on the riverbank...

Mangroves along the Cherating River

  Muddy, brackish, potentially smelly and difficult to swim in. Not much fun for humans, but great for fish and crabs. What am I talking about? Mangrove swamps. If you look closely at mangrove trees...