Five Foot Traveller Blog

Turkey, part deux

Later this month I’ll be going to Turkey, and it will be my second time there. I don’t normally make it a habit of visiting a country more than once, but this time it’s...

En route to pizza

  We met Paolo- wavy-haired, scruffy and broke- at Paris Austerlitz train station. Aida and I were checking train schedules when he walked up to us with sad, pleading eyes. “I have no money...


Faces of Myanmar

Travel reveals a lot about the world we live in and if there is one thing that I’ve learnt, it’s that no country is perfect. I’m having a hard time reconciling the wonderful time...

By train to Bagan

  I’m not sure what time it was, but I woke up with a start. The cold night wind, blowing at whatever-miles-per-hour, had slapped me hard in the face. But it wasn’t the wind...

Notes on MITBCA 2013

There’s only one thing which I’d really like to say today, but before that, let’s go over what happened in the past few months. No, this is not one of those self-indulgent, ME ME...

Niujie Mosque, Beijing

China has had associations with Islam since the fifth century when Arab envoys first crossed its borders. Although Muslims can be found almost everywhere in China, most of them reside in the Xinjiang, Yunnan...

Being five feet tall

What does it mean to be travelling when you’re five feet nothing? I have wished to be taller on many occasions- when there’s a large crowd gathered and I can’t see anything or when...

Hanoi, second time around

I had been here before, and yet I hadn’t. Same same but different, as they say in Southeast Asia.  When I said goodbye to Hanoi 11 years ago it was bright and sunny. Now...

This week’s photo: New Orleans

    I snapped this photograph just outside Jackson Square, where an artist was selling some cute cat paintings. New Orleans is an amazing city and one of my favourites among the American cities...

Hotels from hell

  MY room in Phnom Penh was the perfect setting for a horror movie. It was a small room at the top of the stairs, away from everyone else, dark and spartan with a...