Five Foot Traveller Blog

What did you learn today?

  I met Dinesh at our hostel in St Petersburg, in mid-conversation about his ultimate ambition: to hit 100 countries before he reached 25. I thought that was an interesting goal, because I’ve never...

Khlong Hae Floating Market, Hatyai

  Khlong Hae floating market isn’t far from Hatyai town in south Thailand. I’d been wanting to visit Thailand’s famous floating markets for a long time but never got down to it, so I...

This week’s photo: Shaman tree, Olkhon Island

There is probably no place more sacred in Siberia than Olkhon Island, the largest island in Lake Baikal. The Buryats, the indigenous people of Siberia, are followers of shamanism and consider Olkhon the centre...


Here’s an idea: grab a bunch of strangers, put them on a bus and leave them on a beach somewhere. Risky, of course- If there’s a serial killer in the mix and you’re part...

Why locals are so much fun

Locals can be really wonderful. They can be great sources of information, they’re useful in emergencies and may even end up being your friend years down the line. I always try to strike up...

Looking back on 2012

  Some time in late 2011, I promised myself that I would make sure that 2012 would be an amazing year. That’s exactly what it was for me, not only in terms of travel...

What you need in a travel partner

Good travel companions are elusive but once you find them, you’ll want to hold on to them. They’re a bit like underwear: they support you where necessary and help to keep everything together. They...

Dreams, and following them

Something funny happened a few days ago. I was tidying up my desk- something I find myself having to do every week with the books and papers cluttering it up- and I found an...

Telling tall tales

IF I could have a ringgit for each time I lied when travelling, I would have a nice pile of notes by now. I have either been happily married, engaged and impatient to get...